Here in Kentucky we are no strangers to the elements of the Winter season. We go through all of the extremes in temperature changes, snow, ice, hail, freezing rain, and more. With these expectations, we can be very aware that our roofs can and will be affected. Here are a few of the most common forms of roof damage that can occur due to Winter’s unforgiving ways.

Water Damage

Freezing rain is a very serious culprit of damage. It is especially problematic if ice gets built up in your gutter, preventing water from draining from your roof, which will in turn push the water back. In this scenario, often times shingles will lift, and that’s when water finds its way under your roof. Clearing this build up on your own can be a hassle, not to mention unsafe, so we realize preventive actions may often not be taken by the homeowner. The best route to take is to have certified roof inspector check your roof for damages following inclement weather, and hire a qualified roofer for roof repair and roof installation as needed.

water damage roof leak

Snow Damage

It doesn’t take copious amounts of snow to cause problems. If your home has a flat roof, or it’s designed in such a way that snow cannot easily slide down the sides, this can become a risk factor for damage. Your house will emit heat that will in turn melt some of the snow, however, if there is more on your roof than your gutters can handle, the water can and will seep in through the cracks in your roof.

Unfortunately, many homeowners will take matters into their own hands, attempting to use shovels to remove snow, further damaging shingles. In many cases homeowners will use either sodium chloride or rock salt to clear their roofs, unintentionally damaging shingles and often voiding warranties.

Ice dam

Wind Damage

Wind damage during the winter is not uncommon. If you have loose and/or old roof shingles, they can very easily blow off entirely by a quick breath from old Jack Frost. If hail or sleet accompany him, it can have an even greater effect, as small chunks of ice can weaken your shingles, making them more privy to blowing away in the winter wind.
winter wind damage

Given Winter weather is an unavoidable circumstance here in Kentucky, safely and quickly removing any snow, as well as ensuring gutters are clear so that water can drain properly, can help to reduce the risk of damage. All the same, seeking professional help can ensure a roof is in it’s proper condition at all times. As always, we implore you to contact highly certified roof inspectors and roofers to assess the condition of your roof. Here at [company_name], this service is always free of charge & done with absolute integrity by a team of inspectors that carry more certifications per capita in Central Kentucky.